Monday, 29 December 2008

If I ruled the world, I would ...

... fill this space ...

I would be interested in what others would write here - probably very different to what I have put upon the main site but the combination of everyones view is what this is really all about. If everyone agreed on some point then it definitely would be done, if many agree on a point then it is possible...

Come and join the forum I have created to discuss these ideas and let me know what you think. The discussion forum is at the Beyond One World Discussion Forum.. Especially if you can answer the question - if you ruled the world, what would you do?

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Internet Marketers are great pioneers! - What an unexpected title to have

I was at a party last night, not a big party but really just a gathering at a neighbours where he kindly invited us over where he had invited friends for a barbecue and I found myself actually talking about the idea for the first time. I realised, through the difficulty of trying to describe the idea that this is really what my next stage must be. Internalising the ideas and seeing the possibilities are pretty much useless now if I cannot somehow bring it into a coherent message. The problem is I can see this wonderful solution and how it tackles all the issues I throw at it but it is of no use to anyone if I cannot pass it on with my poor communications skills and shape it into some coherent message that somehow gets others thinking. I also realised for the first time that I really would love to spend more time on this idea than work on any others because of its potential. A big dilemma...

Back to the plot however...

I am sure that this idea, though using the Project 10 to the 100th as the starting gun, really is not coherent and well planned enough to make it into the final voting that will begin next month. So it needs to get to a stage where it can navigate itself to a solution with with the power of more voices, instead of being some flotsam on the sea of the internet that never gets visited. Well, it did get visited once by someone looking for the 'problems of the world' in the last month but they went overboard as quickly as they came.

So it needs to support itself and it needs to be seen and it needs input, good and bad to shape. In the realm of the Internet today it needs applied to it the skills of the Internet Marketer. These people are really pioneers themselves and it has been so interesting to see how successful they have become using this media to push the boundaries of connecting people to their desires. Often themselves starting from less than zero and pulling their life around discovering new ways of using the Internet to achieve their ambitions. Their methods of reducing complex and often conflicting information into working systems profitably has been a massive achievement and is changing commerce on the Internet constantly. Personally, my favourite at this moment in time is Russell Brunson, the owner of DotComSecrets, who as far as I can tell really has the desire to help others and I have followed his progress for a while now. Though there are many other names in the StomperNet camp who I am sure probably have the same desire.

Again, back to the plot...

For Beyond One World as an idea to survive, evolve and grow it must follow their lead and be made into something initially that can support itself, to pay for itself possibly. I can only dream that somehow it has enough momentum to support us too, so that I can spend the time to help it grow into something that will of use to everyone.

So from today I am determined to follow their lead, to learn from these pioneers and get this moving.

If I do not manage to blog before Christmas and someone bewilderingly stumbles into this in the next few days, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year dear reader, may it be a wonderful year...

And finally, I am sure this doesn't get said very often but Internet Marketers are great pioneers...

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Still working on it...

A month has passed and sadly I have not done or presented enough to give this any momentum.

Aspirations and ability are often strangers when it comes to creating ideas.

Also the noise of life take over, all the important and urgent things that must be done - all the things that I am sure will be so important and make a difference in a hundred years time - it's a shame that so much of our lives are taken over by the need to survive, not just physically but financially and socially.

If only we could be free of these bonds,
to be able to achieve all the things that we desire to achieve,
to be able to focus our efforts on helping ourselves and others improve our world,
not wasting any more energy fighting each other and the systems within it.

We are all capable of so many wonderful things.
So many worlds are waiting for us.

Where on earth can it start...

Monday, 27 October 2008

A week of reflection

Well, the past week though busy has been a good break from rushing this idea forward. Looking back and reflecting on the whole thing I found to be really exciting - I know the idea works, though I feel I am not the best advertiser for it, it really needs someone with more charisma to sell it. But if it gets understood to the level I see it at the moment the possibilities become beautiful...

I have been haunted by the problem of how the decision making could work - imagine a billion people making a million decisions. How could you handle so many decisions without violating any of the principles, all decisions must be available transparently without fail, but you risk overloading the poor voter who has a stake in a majority of these polls.

It's a shame I haven't generating interest yet, I am both yearning for the feedback and in danger of going completely in my own direction and attempting to get the whole thing to work by myself - not a likely prospect I admit. I need to show that the ideas that appear here are simply my interpretation of what is possible, I realise that as soon as it works it no longer belongs or needs me and would grow with the characters and values of the people who take part.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

My Entry to the Google Project 10 to the 100

Finally made it - after fighting a few driver and sync problems

Visit http:/// for more information.

Entry for Google's Project 10 To The 100 an idea for a completely open and transparent centralised global collaboration.

It cannot be controlled by any one person, company or agency, but allows EVERY individual an EQUAL voice to help each other or to challenge any part of it. Right now each member becomes a pioneer and if it gathers momentum it could lead to the biggest collaborative effort of all time.

Imagine:- no more regional governments, no more centers of power, all universal resource controlled and belonging to all, no more companies, the system by which you live is 100% open and transparent, no more conspiracies, no more secrets, every person protected and served equally by the system they developed and that serves them.

Imagine what kind of world you would create if you had the chance. What changes would you make? Who would you help? How would you deal with todays issues?

We have the technology and the infrastructure to begin this, the next stage of the Internet, not in disparate islands and competing against each other but a dynamic grid developed and created by every active and capable person using it.

How would you begin to create something like this?

The first step is to plant a flag in the ground and say, right, it doesn't matter where it begins, as long as the tools are 100% visible and open, so it begins here! Where it goes from there will be determined equally by every person who takes part in it.

Let us finally and completely help the disadvantaged and poor of the world to make everyone equal.

Let us work together to create a system that will make us pioneers for the future - and take us Beyond One World!!!

Saturday, 18 October 2008

The system does not have a name

I refer to it as the system. Describe it as a universal, centralised, open and transparent, collaborative and dynamic system but I can never reach a name for it. So I won't.
Beyond One World is the name I gave to the vision and as a means of communicating and selling the idea of how it could work, including of course as a place to put the flag into the ground for collaborating on the first stages,
I guess if a name is conjured up by anyone else that everyone is happy with then I will be happy with it. I am still at the anxious stage of being the majority of 1 out of 1 at the moment - hope that changes when I submit tomorrow to the Project 10 to the 100. I have just realised that the video is optional, so there is nothing stopping this idea being introduced. I will try tomorrow however to put a meaningful 30 second presentation together to give it some chance of being understood.

The End Of The World - Visionary or Crank?

I am not sure I really want that question answered but I suppose when I talk about the End Of The World then something serious must be going on. Again the usual disclaimer - these are the thoughts of just 1 in 6.7 billion at this current moment.
Or do you agree?

Friday, 17 October 2008

A Video for the Project 10 to the 100????

One of the criteria for the Google Project 10 to the 100 is a 30 second video putting forward the main idea. I must say I do not relish the idea of this, I do not feel photogenic enough to sell the idea but the need is there and I ony have a few days left.
Oh well - my first YouTube video coming up...

New page added - The Possibilities of a Dynamic Open System

This page covers some of the ideas but I must admit they are particular to my way of thinking. The best I should hope for is that they will inspire imagination, debate or even criticism. This page is a work in progress, I intend to add more as I have the time.

Why No More Copyright?

I was tempted to add this thinking into the main site but as I may be in a minority with this then I should at least voice my opinions here and not jeopardise the main idea.

I always viewed copyright of media as a self defeating obstacle to progress, many things cannot be done efficiently and creatively because of this limitation. There was always the argument of protecting the owner of the idea or product, but I regard that as selfish desire, the owner of the item could not have produced it without the help and effort of millions of people to support them at the stage of creation. Why take that away? Why restrict the millions that follow you and could waste less time without having these restrictions. Nowadays, there are industries that gain substantially more than billions, unfairly, from the rest of the world by the use of this idea.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

I am interested - What can I do?

Where on earth do you start with a project like this?

The most important goal in the early stages of this project is visibility.

If you have questions or thoughts you would like to share with this then please feel free to post in the discussion group at

Here are some other thoughts for areas of discussion:-

  • One light hearted aspect of this is your own view of the world and to answer yourself - if you personally ruled the world, what would you change, what would you do.
  • Or maybe you have some ideas as to the minimum rights that every individual should have.
  • Maybe you have a vision of the future of this or of the world that you would like to share and discuss with everyone else.
  • Maybe you know of projects undertaken by other groups that would fit into this idea or who have similar ideas.
  • What are you hopes and dreams for the human race in the future.
  • What challenges are there to the human race now? What are the issues and problems facing us? What ones are likely to appear in the future?

If you are really interested and would like to be an active member in shaping this then join the BeyondOneWorld domain - send an email to with your First Name, Last Name and a username you would like to use at and I will add you in. This will give you access to the sites we will use to share information and build the first stages.

Please do let anyone know about this site who may be interested. Send them an email, talk to them about it - spread the word.

There is a real need for some Internet marketing allies at this moment in time to help spread the word.

Possibly some web design or usability experts to ensure that the system is presentable to the public at any time.

The first stage of this project will need to be determined. My own thoughts follow but I am definitely open to suggestions:-

  • To determine a decision making strategy that can be used to ensure that every step is taken fairly and transparently. This is a big undertaking in itself so a simple start may be needed just to initialise it. The strategy must be robust enough to accept that any individual can challenge an idea and come up with an alternative or more refined one at any time. Also to allow for later changes to earlier decisions based on new information or new membership.
  • To put together the underlying principles of the project so that we all aim for the same purpose. I have written many things and have had many ideas but they are unique to me, many things may change with this and I accept that. However, the core of this is that it will be totally transparent and no individuals or groups of individuals may have more power over any others, this is part of the mission of this project and changing it will render it useless.
  • A strategy of storing, changing and creation of documents and processes will need to be created so that totally visibility and control is available. Some Open Source project will probably need to be selected at some point to allow careful control of documentation.
    A strategy is needed for the retention and development of ideas of the individuals involved in the system, to ensure none get lost and the good ones given priority in a controlled way. We are here to create the very best system that we are capable of, let's create the framework that will stand the test of time.
  • A project management system for ensuring that separate strands of work get done in an organised way, again the use of an Open Source system may be prudent. The ideals of project management will need to be followed, in that the goals will need to be objective, measurable and within resources available, time and effort.
  • A definition of roles and responsibilities with the system need to be made. Any individual who has the capability may take on any of the roles within a fixed amount of time and have responsibility for it. This goes along with a method of selecting who may take on these roles in the future, I always imagined a kind of freelance auction/exchange style approach to this but
  • There is a definite need to create measurable milestones in developing this system, even if the milestones are far away at any one time, so this will go into the project when they have been created, discussed and agreed upon.
  • We need to address critics and take care of stones thrown at the system. They will all be valid in their own right and will need to be addressed at some stage in the process. So finding the critics and there thoughts will be useful, but no flame throwing will be allowed, or personal attacks on any individual or groups of individuals, they all have their right to express themselves positively.
  • A strategy for ensuring that all voices are heard will need to be put forward. This system should ultimately represent every individual.
  • The safety and control of the system needs to be addressed. Is it safe from corruption, safe from technical failure or attack? Is there a backup strategy? What disaster recovery management is needed?
  • A measure of success for each stage will need to be worked out. Has the system met its objectives? If not, why not and what can be done to achieve it.
  • Finally, it needs your thoughts, your ideas, what can we achieve together?

Physically Beyond One World

This is one of the core ideas that gave me the idea for the name Beyond One World but as it is a personal belief I have resisted the urge to talk about it plainly on the main site. It is however a strong belief having some basis in what I think I now today.

I believe that we cannot as a species remain here on one world in our entirety, for the sake of our own survival and spirit. The number of individuals already in existence in this one world is already causing many natural balances and systems a problem and the resources that we need have a finite limit in which we are rapidly approaching - if not tried to exceed. We must absolutely leave our cradle and make a physical effort beyond this world.

I also strongly believe that the universe we live in has all the factors to enable life to exist almost everywhere and that it is in fact teeming with life and a lot have had the development time to become sentient.

Personally I think this push into the universe will force us to consider new concepts, challenges and beliefs. There we will encounter so much more than what we have experienced in our shelter - some beautiful things, many opportunities and probably many new things to fear. Our survival depends on being able to cross the distances needed to find new places to inhabit and experience. In fact I think we are so lucky to have the moon, a stepping stone to the outside that will give us a head start when we can work out the economics, technology and commitment to move on. With the challenges ahead of us beyond one world our ability to work together quickly and effectively may well decide on our ultimate survival.

All of our history, our lives, experiences, our efforts are here, in this one world - a very small and insignificant part of the universe. It would only take a large enough rock to hit it to destroy it all...

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

More unity found...

Brief and to the point - a good video with a good message.

The power of tens

In keeping with the Project 10 to the 100 I quite like the idea of milestoning to the power of tens. Not the pain relief as described in The Power of TENS but of a way of saying that you have enough people to create a milestone.

For example when 10 (10 to the power 1) people have joined then work can begin on defining the main principles of the system. When 100 people have joined then I can hand over the site and content to the group and just be a participant. Rather personal milestones admittedly but the idea can create its own for each power of ten that joins in and create milestones for each.

Maybe one of my sillier ideas...

Google Identity Crisis - The ID

I am having a real problem with my identity - nothing schizophrenic and not me personally I know who I am (I think?) but in my different roles in creating this site on Google Apps. I find I have created Email accounts, Sites accounts and Google Accounts amongst others in creating this. It does highlight that we have an identity but often need different roles within that identity and in managing this on the Internet becomes an immense problem.

I wonder what the answer will finally be to an individuals identity - how will they be correctly recognised. This area is very important to the Beyond One World idea to ensure that equality is upheld you must recognise the individual and their capacity. The matter of ID will become an important part.

I am aware of the OpenID project and this is something I must catch up with soon. Ideally an open system such as this will become the cornerstone of recognising the individual. I love their description of the project:-

An open and decentralized identity system, designed "not to crumble if one company turns evil or goes out of business".

Follows the theme of this idea quite nicely.

The language is becoming more forceful...

I have just typed up two more starter pages:-

What are the goals of the human race?
Where should the system be run?

Noticing that my language is getting more forceful - my apologies.
On a positive side the more time I spend with the idea the more important and beneficial it becomes. I keep trying to think of ways of selling an idea without forcing it upon anyone - I just hope that soon others will join in and become the pioneers...

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

The idea of unity is all around...

Fascinating isn't it. I am beginning to wonder whether the idea of unity is actually within us all without a means of actually achieving it. I believe that deep within the core of every person is a form of good will and that it is inherent in our thinking - even though I can attest to the experience that some people, at some time appear to display exactly the opposite. I thought I would look at the entries already to the Project 10 the 100 on YouTube and immediately found Joleenathomas's entry. I loved her discussion on thought, how it is innate in everything - One day I hope we really get to understand what this miraculous force really is and a new science develop from it.

Here is her video - I gave 5 stars for inspiration...

The anticipation ...

I must admit - I am feeling quite nervous about the idea. What if no-one reads it? What if they read it and forget it? What if they read it and tread the idea into the ground? Strange how something you believe in 100% can give you doubts - there is a strong urge right now of deleting all existence of it in case of rejection. I got caught up in all this on Monday, realised after a few days of it bothering me that I must do something - I must at least try to bring it all to some coherence. So I ended up not sleeping until late Tuesday trying to pull it all together, trying to remember some of the forgotten things that have come to mind over the years and pulling it in. They are still appearing, almost shouting at me me for forgetting them and not doing anything about them. Ideas can get so aggressive at times can't they. Well I have placated some of them by writing them down, taking notes of ones I still need to pull in. They are still unsettled however because they need to be written coherently and linked together. I will do it... honestly...

I think it is a disability being an ideas person, because unless you follow them through they nag at you constantly. I have written books and books of them on scraps of paper over the years, which inevitably get lost when I cruelly have a sort out and throw them away. It harms your career too - you are never satisfied with the status quo - you see things - things that could be better, things that would be more helpful to others. Some you try, some work, some fail, but they require much more effort to implement than any one can put into in a life time. Well I look back at the lifetime now, 46 years of it and ask the question - What have I really achieved? Who have I really helped in those years? It is very dissatisfying. I always 'thought I knew' that I would do something, create something wonderful that would help everyone in the world. What followed were many crazy ideas through the years that seemed to be wonderful but needed a better person than I to follow them, needed me to be better organised, more intelligent, more of a salesman - well I failed on all counts. I hope one day that this constant battle will end somehow - that either I can do what I really wanted to achieve and help everyone or I can silence the noise and be happy with everything as it is. I know there are others in the world who suffer the same, they get wrapped up in their world (so many worlds) and make themselves ill try to achieve their purpose. Is it an obsession - In some ways it is a beautiful obsession , like listening to a piece of music that at the time of listening seems perfect and beautiful in ways that cannot be described in normal language - everything seems to come together, everything seems possible and your heart is full of the possibilities, then comes along everyday life, the minutiae that takes over because you must survive, you must think of other things, you must earn money, be responsible and take care of the errands of the day.

Well here I present to you - an idea, not a small one, possibly one of the biggest, but it is feasible, it is real, so much can be achieved if it becomes a reality, it can help every person, every sentient being that upholds it going forward - and everyone needs help, a purpose, principles by which to live by, a means of knowing that they have done some good in the world and that they have worked together or by themselves to remove pain, suffering or a problem from someones life.

Lets end all these problems together - put an end to needless want and suffering. Lets put an end to all the wasted opportunities in our life and get up and do something about it.

I began this post by letting of steam and ended up on a soapbox - I'll get down for now and let you decide.

Google Apps confusion

Well I realised that Google Web Pages are going to convert to Google Sites - so I quickly cut and paste all the pages into sites. However, going to Google Sites shows up the list of sites that are available to everyone - which will be confusing for anyone who first stumbles onto the sites. So for now I will concentrate my efforts on the Web Pages and later update the others. It probably means I do not yet understand how Google have configured their Sites to work. More important for now is to concentrate on the content and not the technology...

Preparation for the Project 10 to the 100

Since Monday I have been trying to pull an idea together to enter the Google Project 10 to the 100 which I called some time ago BeyondOneWorld. The final entry date is the 20th October so I have been busy (somewhat hurriedly) putting a web site together to try and explain it. I decided that since it was a collaborative project that Google Apps would be the ideal way to go - I have not used any of it before so a few headaches on the way :-)
As this settles down I will write a log of the experience, should anyone ever look at it and join in...

If you see this please do come in and take a look - it is not very coherent at the moment but I will do my best to sort it all out...