Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Pulling away from Google Apps
I haven't been doing anything on the web for a long time and that was another cause for delay. I thought I would try out Dreamweaver again and see what it could do, the latest is at CS4. I realised that my old ways of knocking out TABLES on a page are now a very old habit and I must really learn more about using DIVs and CSS. So there was the first delay. Of course I had already pulled the domain away from Google Apps at the time and now it was pointing at my empty directory on the Dreamhost server. Inspired by the ease of setting up layouts and reminded of the relative complexity of some of the CSS rules for floats the pages came together very quickly and although full of dubious content actually needed to be made visually presentable. Ahem.. Well, OK, I found a wonderful image of the Earth that was freely available, picked out the best angle and rotated it and put it up onto the main site, not yet visually appealing but it will do for now, I hope. I'll get back into presentation of it later.
Back with Dreamweaver, I found it great to use but had an absolutely dreadful time setting up FTP, a few days have been spent trying to sort this out and I have finally given up with it. Somehow, it was getting absolutely confused as to what was my testing server and what was my remote, in addition to the fact it kept hanging on any transfer that was more than a few pages. I think that it had issues with PASV, ensuring that all transfer were in FTP passive mode, but without finding solution I think I have given up with it. I'll go back to doing it manually.
Now with the - I admit it, visually dreadful - pages up on the site linking in all the bits I selected I find that the work is just beginning. All of the Open Source applications now need to work together. An interesting puzzle to work through. Hopefully I can figure it all out.
My next step now is to pull away from Blogger and use Wordpress instead for my own Blog, the pages where this waffling commentary actually lives. This post will be the last one I guess on this service at, so I have the task of pulling all the posts into the new blog that will/should appear at
Here we go then...
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Fear ... of the unseen
Nobody has yet followed it. All this is very much unseen and I haven't had any feedback. I have exposed quite a bit about myself in putting the idea together, things that I generally keep to myself. However, I found I have revealed that childish side of me that believes in good and big things. I look back on some of those posts and cringe, asking myself why did I say that, or isn't that too much information. Another part of me is opened with a typically childish trait, asking myself why doesn't anybody understand what I am saying - I do empathise with children learning language, it must be the most frustrating skill to master. The cynic in me criticises all the time over my waffling and inability to make points sound interesting.
I started this whole thing off last October and I still feel now as I did in my first post. The excitement of what the idea is all about with the trepidation of what it will turn out like and the response of others. Always knowing myself that to some degree this must be the same for many others out there when they blog.
I must rid these nagging doubts once and for all. After putting the main site together I must go out and find out what others think. It is much better after all to have people at least debating, even criticising you, so that you can reform and correct something, rather than silence as you journey into nothing.
Putting it altogether...
As the idea relies heavily on collaboration I thought that having a social web running here will help in identifying who is who and what their own opinions were, so Elgg is running on a subdomain at the moment waiting to be pulled in. For discussion and information I chose phpBB3 and MediaWiki respectively, both very able applications that do their tasks very well and have a big following. Another favourite of mine is waiting too, dotProject, for handling tasks and planning out future efforts on the site.
At this very moment however the main site is transferring over and is empty on the server here. The easiest thing to do would be to put up the same pages that existed on the Google Apps so I might just do that just to get some content there. Then I can try to make the whole set of applications come together seamlessly (as possible) into one site whilst putting the message across about what the site is all about.
The benefit of it all sitting in the same place on one set of databases means that any duplication of information and process can be removed. What this will mean with using completely different sets of Open Source applications is not clear to me right now but I have in the back of my mind some hybrid of them open to anyone who wishes to take part using a CVS system.
It is quite a daunting task ahead and I do not really know everything I need to complete it, even whether the effort will be worth it. I guess only one thing I can do now I have started - just get on with it...
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
What beautiful oceans you have here!
I was really young seeing them bounce around the surface of another world but I remember the excitement of it all and amazingly (if I recall correctly) understood a lot of what was happening and thinking how wonderful it was. I was hooked from an early age by the Space Race and the future was going to be glorious. I remember, apart from being a hungry and avid reader of any science fact and fiction books I could find. I remember clearly there were little collectable cards in PGTips tea that focused on the Race Into Space, and at the Petrol station, Shell were producing coins detailing the aviation and space vehicles, these items were treasured in the early 70's. The most beautiful I found was the art, the pictures that showed how the future could look, clean, amazing and inspiring images of the homes to be, the awesome cities that were possible and strange and wonderful images of new worlds to explore. My imagination and creativity explored unknown and alien images, environments, sensations, new worlds and life. Everything was possible, there were fantastic places to see and explore, so much to learn and do, it was a great time to be alive, I was definitely going to go into space when I was older...
The economics of putting more people on the moon, 4% of America's budget then could not be sustained against the losing interest of the public. Six times the moon had (human) life visit, the last day that any man stepped onto the surface of another world was the 7th December 1972, since then President Nixon shelved the Apollo missions and no attempt has been made since. What takes over? Something less than life often occupies the mind and years of earthly struggle takes precedence over the dreams of reaching out. The worry of living, surviving a recession, the price of fuel all takes a higher
priority than hopes and dreams and positive advancement for everyone. Mankind has survived and wasted its effort during probably many dark ages, we cannot afford to waste any more time living through any more mini-dark ages, especially with the 6,772,418,593 souls occupying this fragile place and the near lifetime since being on the moon.
It cost $150 billion (in today's money) to run the Apollo Project compared to the current estimated cost of the Iraq war of over $500 billion.
Imagine the inspiration that could be created by a world collaboration on of reaching the Moon, Mars and the many satellites and stations available to us. The excitement of the new possibilities available to use as we reach out once more into the universe. This naive destructive teenager has to leave home and grow up before he destroys it. We are truly fortunate to have a stepping stone in our journey into the universe, the Moon is a perfect opportunity to create and develop the techniques and technologies we need to make our journey safe and comfortable. At a time when fear of economic recession takes hold then a real stimulus is needed, but it is needed as a shared collaboration, everyone being equal in right and responsibility in utilising the worlds that we find. Think what this could provide, the jobs and the economic growth for all involved, the technologies that we could find. The number of benefits that we live with now that have been spun from the efforts of the space program are too many to mention, we have always achieved highly during times of stress, whether that is with high purpose, like the space race or low, like war. In striving for providing a habitat in the harsh environment of space it will be inevitable that important developments will take place that will benefit with helping the earth cope with its burgeoning population and its effects, let alone unseen future products of the imagination.
There is an important shift in perspective to be considered too. Imagine YOU are there, like Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, and the others that followed. Looking at this beautiful planet from afar. Such a small place for so many people to share and very alone in the vastness of even our solar system. What things are important in your mind as you see our home? How amazing it must appear, with so much life in the deadness of what surrounds it. Think also of those who have walked upon the dusty desolate desert-like surface of the Moon, as beautiful as it appears it cannot compare to the moment of seeing the oceans of the Earth. How magical is must be to see an everyday scene of Earth with people milling about busy in their everyday tasks when compared to the empty and silent world that circles us. What is important in the end? What makes Earth so different? It is life? It is full of living organisms, one of which has grown up and taken its first steps...
Technology Escalation during World War II
Technological Advancements due to War
Moon landing facts
Apollo 11 Space Flight Chronology
Cost of Iraq War
NASA Spinoffs
Current World Population
Apollo Moon Program heroes call for a return to space
Monday, 13 July 2009
A new wave of collaboration coming - Google Wave
At the moment, I have split up the tasks and roles of what I currently recognise in BeyondOneWorld into different open source applications. I hope I can sow them together seamlessly enough when I launch them though - I have Forums( phpBB3), Wiki (MediaWiki), Social Web (Elgg) and Task Management (DotProject). All are ready and working in their near default states and I will pull the domain back onto them later and relaunch the site.
Maybe I will get more than 1 or 2 visitors this time...
Monday, 6 July 2009
Too much information? Speedo's - Britains new State Secret Exposed!
Take a look at the the report and think about this...
One thing that saddens me is of course the need in this world to hold these things as secrets, but it is understandable that under the current systems we live in we do ourselves put others in danger like this. We make them responsible for holding the keys to our own security, therefore having to hide them and not putting in the support to keep them safe. But this first point lives in the ideals of the BeyondOneWorld idea and is absurd to hold onto under our present systems of government.
Another point is that actually the information exposed on Facebook was not at all state secret. It was quite innocently the pictures and information that most of us tend to put up in our effort to reach out and connect with others doing the same. Gratefully, the Foreign Secretary, David Milliband appeared on BBC1's Andrew Marr Show and showed amazement at the excitement caused by pictures of Sir John Sawers apparently wearing Speedo swimming trunks the day after his appointment in the new role, pointing out that in fact this was not a state secret and national security had not been compromised. Interestingly after this the BBC dropped it as a leading bulletin at the top of the headlines.
Now, whether the innocent information, the holiday pictures or the fact that a family Facebook page appeared at all existed it is important that anyone in a secretive role like this should get all the support they need to ensure that they can fulfil their duties. It is still possible of course that with their location and family members known that it may be possible for someone to put any of them in danger and blackmail into compromising his duties. So, isn't there some policy, some guidance, or information for the family in this situation. Shouldn't the government support anyone who works for them in making sure they at least know what the dangers are? It was not Lady Shelley Sawer at fault here, I'm sure she would not ever wish to put her husband's job at risk or ever put any of her family in danger. She was acting innocently without any support doing something that comes perfectly naturally for anyone who has any social desire.
Now, for the main point. I know about all about this now. Luckily of course the pages have been taken down so I couldn't in fact check out all the information myself. How do I know? Because it has been reported by the Daily Mail and it is now widely known across a wider segment of the public. I would like to say that they were just reporting the news as it happened, but why then put pictures of Lady Shelley Sawer and her daughter Corrinne on the page!!! I know what they look like now and so do many others! Isn't this exposing them to more danger?
Think, who is the most guilty here...
The innocent social drive versus the revenue machine of publishing.
What about the government that obviously has the processes to put someone into a situation of danger but lacks the processes to attempt to protect them.
What do you think?
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Am I an anarchist?
Then I'll answer the question honestly later...
Hurry, Get your FREE share in this website...
OK, a bit tongue in cheek but it is perfectly accurate to state it. I do not wish to own this site, I believe firmly in the idea but I only want to be an equal partner in it with everyone else who has the pioneering spirit to get it to evolve. My imaginations here in this blog may be far off from how it all develops, but with that I will feel satisified, as long as it remains on the first principles and has at its core our most aspirational and positive intentions. So it is really a fact that everyone who joins will take an equal share in it.
Looking back over my past attempts, from open outsourcing and the open company specification, even open SEO at one point, I can see how they were all heading in this direction. However, I must be one of the worst entrepreneurs that ever lived, I wanted to do everything mostly for free and got easily distracted by new ideas and technologies and never concentrated on the bottom line. It would be really entertaining for me to enter something like Dragon's Den or Sir Alan Sugar's The Apprentice, funnily enough I have all the skills to project manage and present but when it comes to concentration on the one thing I think I would be a disaster. So, taken from this, all my previous attempts have failed, they weren't quite what I was trying to achieve.
But believe me, this is!
This is it! I believe in this idea 100% and I know it can work.
It's just that I haven't quite got the to final message yet.
When I do I know it is only a case of getting the first methods in place. As it is fully based on people collaborating then at the moment I see a social site is needed. My thinking right now is using Elgg, an open source package that looks like it has all the basics of both a social and educational site. Coupled with ideas of connecting in dotProject (an old favourite) for managing the tasks and phpBB3 for forum discussion.
Why another Social Site - other than the idea itself why would anyone want to register?
Well - there will definately be no advertisements.
I cannot see how ads could possibly exist on this site and stay true to the fundamental idea. I certainly considered it some months ago but realised that it could later be in conflict with the true purpose. I do not want to spend the time putting ad blocks all over the place either, I want to concentrate whatever time I have here on getting it moving. Back to the choice of open source, I think they are the right choices, I would certainly be interested in other opinions on this, though ultimately I think it will need its own package, either on or using one here. The one advantage at the moment is that I am skilled enough at least to get them on site and integrated, so it is only a matter of choosing the right ones.
No Ads
- Ever!!!
Let's see if that one remains, others may think differently, I won't have the final say later so it will be interesting to see how that goes. I can see already that I have decimated whatever share price there was already - Oh well...A tenth of nothing quite paradoxically equals nothing.
Another thing before leaving, I envision this site to become something else too, not a web site, maybe because of the sharing and processing needed and the principles involved then a mix of P2P and BOINC (e.g. SETI@home etc) will allow the functionality and storage to be completely distributed - into the cloud...
We the people ...
- believe in the positive things in life, like truth, justice, love, friendship, hope, etc.
- reject the negative things in life, like war, hate, poverty, starvation, etc..
... together we could agree 100% on these things.
We know the right thing, each and every one of us, no matter, gender, colour, belief etc..
If we could somehow work together in complete openness and honesty we could between us create an ideal system that we could all agree on.
Together we could collaborate to create ideal principles and systems that would make all of our lives much easier, by taking care of all the projects, services and products needed by each and every one of us.
Together we can remove all the negative issues and concentrate on the positive.
We want an ideal government, one in which we all believe in and trust to do the right thing. If we all own this government then we will be sure that no corruption, no hidden agendas, no more secrets are kept from the innocent, because we will all make sure that none of these things will be possible.
We know that we can take the best possible ideas and methods created by each other, from research or practise and use them to make this government efficient and effective. We will always be able to check and test any decision or effort made by this government because it will be our right. We will decide together how this government performs and what it is to achieve.
With this government available for all we will be able to not only take over the menial tasks of life and exchange of resources to support us but on the highest level take on any of the biggest projects we can concieve.
What are the most positive things to imagine here?
OK, not absolutely anywhere near an epic speech but this I hope develops into something really motivational and clear one day. Just imagine the things we are capable of achieving if we all worked together, openly and positively to take care of all the issues that face us.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Rationalising the irrational and the return to Open Source
One result coming out of all this is that I am going to pull away from Google's shared hosting and bring it all together in one place at my host, Dreamhost, using the best fitting open source. One advantage is that the whole setup can then be shared and there will be no proprietary systems to deal with later. Ideally, everything that belongs in the system should belong equally to everyone who collaborates on it and if changes are needed they can be handled.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
I don't have the answer yet!!
Anyhow -
Worst still I really do know I do not have the answer yet! I know it is there and what I am proposing is perfectly correct but it is not the answer - just the result of it.
I am taken back to one of my many embarassing incidents that I had during my school days. It was during a visit that my mother had with a Solicitor(lawyer) in Cinderford, my home town then. I think that I was fully supportive by sitting there silently as the conversation discussed the legal issue at hand but that wasn't enough. My mother gleefully told the solicitor that I was working on a new language that I was writing by myself that brought the spotlight firmly on me. The enquiries that followed put me in the uncomfortable situation that I had to explain an idea that I was working on for months, possibly a year prior to this of trying to create a new language that wouldn't allow any fallacies or illogical constructions to exist, that in fact you would not be able to tell lies using it - Well I was a child then. The idea ended that day with the joyful retort that the Solicitor hoped I didn't succeed as it would certainly put him out of a job. I have but one remnant of it still, a copy of some of the symbols I was trying to use to construct the concepts that I was creating based on the nearest phonetic sound I could attach it to that - then - would have made sense to me. I miss my conceptual landscapes and the seemingly impossible challenges I played with then.
The reason it haunts me now is that this again, almost forty years later, is a similar situation where I know what it is I am trying to achieve, I can almost see, conceive or touch it but like the creation of this language I know it lies in a level above me somewhere, just above my current level of understanding of what it is I am trying to achieve. Similarly, it is exposed, again looking I'm sure a very naive version of what it should be before those with better knowledge or intellect than I. However, I'm a much stronger character now than I was then and I am going to keep going until I reach it - definitely within this lifetime or I will be very annoyed. In fact I need some good arguments and discussions to find the weaknesses and replace them with solid framework. Together with some good idealists who can use their own knowledge to make this successful.
How this relates to Beyond One World and the fundamental idea? If I were to sum it up simply within a sentence I would say something like,
'A centralised, open and transparent system of collaboration for defining how we all as a group of individuals want to help each other and govern ourselves'
Without going into ideas of how it relates to wonderful achievements like open source, social networking and collaboration it is by itself perfectly true and is partly the core of what Beyond One World is all about. However, I realise that I am choosing certain elements like 'open' and 'transparent' and asking myself why the concepts are there. What are they by themselves meant to achieve? What if they weren't there?, what differences it makes to the ideal. I realise also that they are communication concepts, they are what makes communication possible. Also without the communication elements there could not possibly be any dynamism or collaboration. Then I would argue with myself asking why that last sentence was true, what concepts are involved, why and where is this heading. The fact these are ideals and aspirations are relevant to - I am remembering some of the concept landscapes I travelled through years ago - and years since now I recall - in trying to understand that level above me. There is a relationship to with the essential desire I mentioned in Who Am I? - why the connections? I watch myself thinking this through and try to understand the processes I go through in trying to understand them, so I can learn what is successful and what is not and possibly why - they all lead back to some core ideal. Also trying to stand outside of it all again and see if I am watching the right things - also why the desire to reach ideals and aspirations in the first place.
Another amusing stand I take is trying to second guess what anyone would think had they stumbled on this post, I would guess that it would be either some sad kind of madness, some stumbling kind of naivety and silliness or possibly even some genius, well allow me a little vanity, I'm tired...
Back to the plot - it appears I am trying to use my highest ideals and aspirations to create the most ideal system of governance possible, to benefit everyone and everything in the most positive way. For everyone a chance to be all that they can be without removing that chance from everyone else. At its lowest level to remove conflict, oppression, waste and replace it with purpose. Obviously any closed system can give some power over others and if used selfishly then war and suffering result, amongst many other things, so the system must be open. There must be ideal communication of all things within the system - 'open' is one of the ideals for at least one of the reasons stated above.
Stepping outside of this again - ask the question 'Why is there the desire to reach the highest most positive ideals' - Could they possibly change from individual to individual or are these things stuck solid in this conceptual landscape and inherent in the spirit of us all. Are there absolute ideals that exist that everyone can actually agree on - what a wonderful place to build a foundation, or have I missed something.
I remember now the problems I used to have with concepts and ideas that I tried to change them from fluffy ideas to absolute constructs. I was envious of the subject of mathematics where absolute truth and proof appeared to be exclusively exist and hoped I could put them all into formula to stop me meandering blindly through the fog of fuzzy logic and fluffy ideas to get to the bottom of things quickly. Oh and how the idea of conceptual landscape was really just a loose term, in that concepts always appeared to have multiple dimensions and couldn't be visualised in a nice familiar landscape. Attempts at trying to see a world in more than 3 dimensions proved to be impossibly difficult regretfully. Reminds me of a later project I dropped - a visual programming language where logic could be constructed absolutely visually, possibly virtually written my placing them in the right position and seeing the range of results possible from a program as if they were physical objects - I never left the landscape actually did I - how strange. Again, I am losing the plot, back to Beyond One World... It is wonderful though how this all exists way beyond any languages that have ever been spoken.
Can I make the assumption that really 'reaching the highest ideal' is an important principle in all this. Does everyone inherently agree on the same ideals? For example, love, peace, friendship, collaboration, efficiency are all eternally good - that hate, war, suffering and waste etc are eternally bad, so love is somewhere in the direction of an ideal. Could any creature here or alien have any system of thought that would break this assumption? Should I care?
If the assumption is true then the ideals are part of the core and I should expand on what Beyond One World is about. That openness and transparency are just part of a set of ideals that we should collectively agree on and use them as the basis of governance. Then the ideals could be translated down through whatever level exists into actual action and positive direction. The methods of transposing ideals to apply to real life could then be found and used as part of the processes within the system...
Indeed, right now I feel I have only scratched at the surface, there is so much more and change is about to take place in how I present this idea.
But for now, I must sleep, it is beginning to get painful and I must wake soon...
And so to bed.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Please I Need Help!
Is it worth it? Spending this time on an idea that appears all over the world fragmented and discussed by many who are clearly more knowledgeable and skilled than I. Should I spend this time on more profitable or productive activities with clear objectives and achievable results? This idea that burns in my mind on occasions that I personally think will be the most beneficial activity that we could undertake in our whole history. Is this a sensible and well grounded person stating this? Am I just dreaming this? Is this just a naive idea that bears no relationship with reality? Who am I to say what is this is? I am fighting with my own common sense but still losing the battle, this has been an idea that has been forming one way or another in every aspect of my life and growing in size to way beyond my world and what I am capable of.
I really do need help!
There are no real arguments I can fight this idea with. Will someone come along with more clarity and convincingly say, 'Yes, well, this idea is all well and good but ...!!!' and blow it away. Those close to me use the argument of noone being interested, or focus on the impossibility of what it entails to succeed and I find this really disturbing but they are not arguments against the idea itself, just a sad reflection on being human, mortal, fallible and unconcerned. I believe, without proof, that everyone of us is capable of great things, of great change, of ultimate good within the heart, needing a tool by which these changes can be started and improved, no matter what evil or negativity that life, experience or others have done to them.
That, dare I say it, we can all work together to create the greatest expression of our combined efforts to help each other and much, so much more.
That we have now, for the first time in known history, the ability, the technology and communication to create this tool and evolve it to whatever we dream of.
We now have the ability to centralise our global efforts completely, to remove wasted effort, to begin and improve all we have learned of information management and technology in putting all our knowledge and processes in one virtual place. Ultimately structured so that everything can be found exactly where it is expected to be without searching for it.
We now have the ability to expose all our knowledge to everyone, open and free to all those who wish to use it. No more harm and wasted effort hiding information, technology, assets that belong to no 'one' person or company but to everybody. We now have the ability to share these things wherever we are and accelerate our progress significantly.
The technology exists for the first time in known history to collaborate and work on ideas with people from all backgrounds and experiences. To finally work on ways that agreements can be made, openly and transparently, that govern all that is important to us. To form a structured system of government of absolute equality for all individuals that exist, that is owned, coordinated and participated in by anyone and everyone. For each of us, no more leaders, no more centralisation of power, of individuals or companies uncontrollably profiting from others, just a system of government that serves us and our collective agreement upon how it works.
Finally, the ability to efficiently coordinate and tackle global, or universal issues that effect us all. We will have the tools to remove inefficiency, wasted, duplicated or conflicting effort to give all individuals the time and the ability to follow their highest ideals. To finally help ourselves and others achieve all that we possibly can in the time we have here.
Well, from the highest ideals to the first steps...
How to deliver the message? How to communicate it? How to promote the collaboration and ideas that could possibly make it work? Or even to get opinions and feedback whether positive or negative.
I need help.
My ideas at the moment focus on making something like a social site allowing each decision and idea to be developed and voted on, to work more on making it a more coherent message and something that individuals will enjoy working on. To find groups of individuals that form the fragments of these ideas and make an effort to initiate some interest.
It all starts now, this eternal moment of time that all ideas begin in ...
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Whatever happened to Google Project 10 to the 100?
A process of having the public vote from these and shorten the list to 20 of the very best ideas from then the semi-finalists. An advisory panel would then meet with a set of criteria to choose the final 5.
In my opinion a fantastic and heartwarming idea that really showed that maybe Google was one of the most positive, open minded, generous and forward thinking companies in the world.
Imagine that, calling upon the whole world and selecting the best ideas that we could think of to help each other and then acting on them, actually providing resources for them to be carried out and helping the most people in the world.
The problem was, the world responded...
On 26th January 2009, Andy Berndt, the Managing Director of Google Creative Lab posted up an apology on Googles Blog - there was going to be a delay.
Apparently Googlers all around the world had been overwhelmed by the sheer number of entrants - in 25 languages there had been over 150,000 proposals put forward. March 17th had been given as the date which all of this would be sorted out and announced on their Project 10 to the 100 site.
On the 17th March appeared an update on the blog, it has overwhelmed them and it will take a while longer...
Three months later, now 10th June, there has been no announcement and no news posted upon the site. So whatever happened to the Google Project 10 to the 100?...
Why didn't they just open the doors and published the whole lot? 149,900 ideas would never be seen except for Google themselves, surely that isn't of much use - is it?
Thinking back on my own reaction to Google doing this in September, I thought it was in itself one of the most refreshing ideas that I have heard from a company in many years. But now I remember, well, it is a company - there are managers, shareholders, directors who have a cut in the operation and assets of Google. It is not completely open and for its own existence to continue it cannot be and any effort by its staff has to be aligned to meet its corporate needs.
I must remember now that it was not Google that produced this idea...
It was one or more individuals within it that created it, unnamed persons, who should have the praise and not the company. It is them who have this idea inside them and the desire to help as many people as possible. It is also most of the submitters of these ideas that have this within them.
This kind of idea has to be completely open, transparent and collaborated upon by anyone who has the desire to. In fact this idea should continue, even without the possibility of corporate funding to be developed, thought about, discussed and worked on to make the core ideas within them shine. I'll bet easily that most of the ideas are similar in concept, that they show the same desire, the same principles just in slighly different application and using the increasing possibilities and technologies to enable them.
But these ideas are something more again...
They are the best that can be produced within the moment, the timescale and the visibility of those that responded. Imagine if that possibility always exists. Not belonging to a small group of people but to everyone - accessible by all virtually in one place so that they can always be found.
These ideas should be opened for all, always...
For now, I do hope those who have put the effort in to create Project 10 to the 100 succeed and fulfil their mission.
But the core ideas behind this need to take place, thought through and acted on. Imagine how different the world would be if it were possible.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
World Government Creation Step 1: Create an Economic Disaster
An interesting post by Anders on called How to Make An Economic Disaster to Achieve World Government: A 233-year-old Conspiracy Against Mankind. Well it does seem like a great idea doesn’t it, complete control of world finance and power. The information put forward about the Bank For International Settlements (BIS), its independence and drive towards a global currency is the core part of the argument and is good reading.
A global currency is a natural progression in our evolution and a centre that controls it, in whatever form, will therefore be needed. It is nothing new if there are groups that want that power and if this article has some truth then maybe one contender has been recognised. Do you think we will regress into the days of obeying and following the self appointed leaders or even godlike emperors? If steps are taken towards this then history shows the spirit of man always stands up against the tyrant in the end and what is left is replaced by something else. These fears are contagious, I am concerned myself with the truth of these developments and the increase of people talking of them and will learn more about them to try to understand what is happening. It is a shame that the natural steps of globalising society is causing such alarm, it needn’t be so dramatic. Although I personally think the answer lies in the form of government described in the Beyond One World site, I do hope the reality will be something close.
Again, my personal view of the economic crisis at this time is that it was created by the creative profiteering of the financial institutions and corporations – to make a profit for their shareholders. This creativity backfired, in a purely unplanned way in that the risks were hidden and not fully understood by the users of it. A little like a gambler using a Martingale technique, for an unpredictable amount of time he will profit from it, but then luck will appear to turn on him and suddenly a number of losses will leave him destitute. It really doesn’t make sense to me personally that groups of people should plan and instigate this, it relied on systems that were misunderstood. Those that had an idea of what could possibly happen did communicate it but they certainly would not have had the capacity to create it. So I do not believe the the economic disaster has been specifically created to instigate this world government, but I am sure there are many out there who would do their best to take advantage of the situation for their own ends.
My step one for creating a world government would be to increase the means and ease of communicating with each other. Say, develop an Internet, that would allow the fast flow and advertising of important information. I would probably then flood it with crippling methods and messages of fear in an effort to get people to follow certain leaders or centres of power. If I had the inclination and the resources to control such a complex plan.
The real world government could go well beyond the ideas of amassing power. The real world government would be controlled by – well – the world, by every individual in the world that needs it. There never needs to be a centre of power any more. We could make an evolutionary step beyond this need or method of control and focus instead upon the system that would give us what we needed.
All those whoever dream of world domination and control will be gone in a hundred years…
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Say “No!” to the Antichrist!!!
Sounds like religious fervour doesn’t it.
I just read an article in The Gadsden Times called One world? mentioning the fact that the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has met with President Obama in America and has talked of it being time for total globalisation (a one world government). Henry Kissinger, their former Secretary of State has already put forward that Obama could be the one to bring together this one world government so the idea has been planted in peoples minds. However, there is this growing fear with a ‘New World Order’, much of this can be seen in the conspiracies sites and ideas of the Illuminati, that this is sign of the end of the world. That a very charismatic individual will rise and everyone will follow, to become the world leader – unfortunately, this person is deemed to be the antichrist…
Admittedly we are entering a new era, one that connects everyone with the advent and growth of the internet and the idea of the one world government will become a reality no matter what. But, please, people, we are in charge of our own destinies, collectively in charge of the worlds. We do not have to allow any of this to happen. We do not need any more leaders. We can together just say “No!”. We do not need to hand over power to a single person, we can collaborate and share this power equally and together, using our very best ideals, create a government that was always dreamed of. If we sit back mindlessly allowing any injustice or wrong to prevail without trying to make the world a better place, without working together to help each other, then I am afraid we deserve the result of the religious predictions. The power will gravitate towards the centres of influence currently and any opposition to it will become harder and harder. Ultimately the lives of martyrs will be wasted fighting any wrongs there. I firmly believe we have the ability to do better, we can take the best of our ideals and put them together to create a world government that will be our equal and no one need suffer at the hands of any small group or individual.
No more leaders, no more tyrants and certainly no Antichrist!!!…
Thought Experiment: Collaboration of competing peoples
There are a number of problems that I face whenever I think about the idea and a discussion I had earlier today led me to think about the harsh edge of collaboration. Having diverse cultures, philosophies and ideals how would it survive. I thought up the simplest thought experiment that I could and tried to look at all the questions it raised, considering there to be 2 diverse peoples in a world with only one resource, one that may not be enough to sustain them both. The content of this may sound absurd to anyone reading but it raises questions that may need to be answered to define the exact structure or system of thought that would be needed to tackle it. Right now they remain mostly loosely connected questions and thoughts but I hope either I or someone better skilled can make sense of.
OK – Consider 2 peoples existing in a finite world and in this world exist a limited resource required by both.
The peoples may or may not be aware of each other and may both think that they own the resource exclusively. Of course, the assumed ownership and use of the resource would impact the other people.
Awareness is a key – if they are unaware of the others existence then the changes and disappearance of the resource will be given a reason, possibly inaccurately as to why any changes should take place. If they are aware then the importance of that resource will justify competition between the 2 peoples to own it outright. Before awareness then the ownership of the resource would be assumed as it was not under the control of any other.
Will both peoples have the ability, intelligence, power to control or own the resource? Will they have the philosophy to fight, share or hand over the resource.
Let’s assume this resource is of life importance to both, without it they would cease to be. Lets also assume that the resource is not enough to sustain them both. The power of each would be a factor, so will their number (population).
Who has the right to own and use the resource? Is it the stronger? Who will ultimately own it? The stronger and/or most aggressive?
Which people should or would cease to be in the competition for the resource? Could it be shared fairly? By whose philosophy should the concept of fairness be considered? What if the competition would mean absolute extinction of one of them? Could this mean an irreconcilable loss?
If you were an outsider having the power over both of these peoples (god) – what criteria would you use to decide who should have it? Nature itself prefers the stronger etc. Would you do the same? Or would you choose using subjective criteria, the most interesting, the prettier etc. Would you have any reason to remove both? How would you decide on who should live or die? What would be the concepts you would use to do the ‘right’ thing?
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Who Am I?
So who am I?...
My name is Shawn Du'Mmett, I was born in [ ... ].
Essentially, who is this?...
I exist now at this moment - It is a total mystery to me that I do exist and cannot imagine being anyone or anything else. I perceive an infinitesimal part of the universe through my senses and I am in total awe of the beauty and mystery of it all. I am not you - I do not experience you as you do - and that is a mystery beyond my comprehension that I exist, that I am real, that I am here and now. If you feel this mystery within you then isn't it wonderful. You exist and can change your part of the physical universe, you can learn, experience and take part in this awesome creation.
It is my belief that you are like me and hence my hope is that some time, somehow, I can help you be all that you can be too. My real purpose in life is to understand and learn more of the universe around me, to grow and to be all that I can be. To be positive and good in my understanding of what those concepts mean and to help everyone and everything achieve their purpose and destiny.
I am limited by my physical and mental abilities and by my perception of my experiences of the life I can remember so far. I am aging, right now I am 46 and it is a shock to me that my body is slowly deteriorating, aging but inside feeling ageless and the same person that I was when I was 18. It is deeply hard for me to accept that I will not exist in 100 years time or that I cannot perceive anything of life before my birth and my conceptual immortality appears to be just a dream or imagination.
I have my ideals of what I really want from this existence - or any other...
I want to always be - to exist.
I want to always have freedom to choose my destiny.
I want to have the freedom to go anywhere or any time within everything.
I want the freedom to choose my form and my nature at any time.
I want to learn and understand that which created me - that surrounds and is part of me.
I want to do the best that I can do and be the best that I can be.
I want to love everything and help all life.
I want to experience all things that I am drawn to in this universe.
Is this universe, God? By the universe I mean all that exists anywhere, anytime or any dimension or concept that is beyond my understanding and so I will use the concept of the infinite. Or is God the ultimate sum of all that lives, exists?
All I know is that right now, in my present understanding of the universe, over 13 billion years from a catastrophic event, and within 93 billion light years of space that can be perceived, I exist here and now. Made from the same stuff as was created in stars billions of years ago. Where am I within this physical space that appears to surround me, I sense my existence somewhere behind my eyes, but feel emotion from somewhere around my heart. One mystery is that if any one particle of me is removed for a moment and then replaced I would neither cease to exist nor change. I seem to be something different to this physical existence but do not have the knowledge of what it could be. Herein, lies my hope for permanent existence in one form or another.
What do I believe?
I believe that nothing is essentially good or evil but I choose a concept of good because it is inherent in me.
I believe that even though my life may be mundane and unimportant that I have purpose and can at times create something wonderful.
I believe that everything and all life is important, that my current limitations are temporary and with purpose that as I grow I will learn why this is so.
I believe that there are others like me, who understand the basics of what is written here, who are alive also and through them I will learn more about this condition of life that exists now. We will help each other achieve our destinies, through our desire to help each other and all living things and be a positive part of the universe in which we live.
But who am I?
I am Shawn Du'Mmett, an ordinary person, who has not really achieved anything of note, who struggles with everyday life, trying to survive, trying to be a good father, husband and friend, a member of society. Limited by my experiences and abilities, making decisions and actions, doing things wrong and learning sometimes from those mistakes and wishing I never made them. But my essential desire summed up in
'to be all that I can be and to help others achieve all that they can be'.
The System
I was thinking about the possibilities and the concept of the system that would be needed...
The System
What is its definition?
What is it?
Its purpose and its function?
How can we be all that we can be and collaborate to achieve our goals individually and globally?
How can we define what it is that we need to do to make a system that removes all that we agree is negative and function efficiently towards fulfilling all that we agree is positive?
What are the problems of conceptual and informational noise that any system would suffer from when it increases in size and complexity?
How can we ensure that it remains positive assuming that many parts of it will be under contention while being formed?
What are it features?
How does it differ from any forms of law, government and control that we have accomplished already throughout history?
The system must be our equal in authority? Its power over us is only possible because we choose it - accept that it is there because we desire it. It must be our choice collectively, though the idea of whether it is our servant or whether we serve each other through it needs to be thought through.
It needs the tools, the function and dynamics to be able to evolve as we create and develop it. The cloud that is mentioned in relation to current ideas does not appear to have form. Our innate language of though and concept should help communicate and structure how it could possibly work.
What concepts must be a part of it?
Concepts of change control, efficiency, simplicity, transparency and visibility are immediate ones that seem inevitable.
It must be the best that we are capable of creating, using our best techniques to fulfil from the most basic to our highest ideals. It must be by definition the best, most positive, most perfect attempt at doing it right. From our highest ideals what can be the building blocks of its creation - other than just the idea?
All definition needs to be explored. It must be created with the idea that can finally create a system by which we can all participate and agree upon. To have a system that allows every person in existence to be an equal and those who are willing and able to be able to participate in its creation, development and evolution.
It must never allow any individual the power to harm another, or monopolise any resource important to another.
Ideally it will be changed and set goals to remove all inefficiencies that can be identified globally (universally), that competition for power or resource will never be needed.
The beliefs, faiths, religions, concepts of God and goodness contained within its purpose must be only those things that can be agreed upon globally and universally.
The rights of all individuals must be equal, fully agreed upon and enforced.
The system must be accessible and visible to all that are supported by it and actually support it. Language cannot be a barrier and the concepts defined within it to be universal.
The resources, function and support it gives to each and very individual must always be supported constantly and consistently.
It must be a central point of information, resource and support, flowing freely in need, that although distributed globally (universally) and among all individuals be efficiently available to all.
All information within it must always be transparent and visible , there can never be secrets, hidden processes or resources attached to all knowledge within it and offer all individuals universal access to learning, review and participation in information and function.
What is the best legacy to leave the generations that follow us, our children and their children?
- or indeed any life that we will subsequently be responsible for.
A form of government that will remove any need for war, slavery and suffering caused by the imbalance of power between nation, region, tribe, corporation or any group of people.
A system by which they can grow, learn, experience and understand the universe in which they live, to be able to follow their own destinies and to be all that they wish to be. To give them the ability to work together to take on any challenge that awaits them individually or globally in the future.
The availability of generations of knowledge and experience through which to be able to push the barriers of understanding and to reach new levels of civilisation.
The power to tackle global changes and the ability, power and resource to reach beyond one world into new undiscovered realms, whether physical, mental or new forms of existence.
There is a universe of opportunity, resource, possibility and experience available to all willing to create the foundations and building blocks of a supporting system.
Our fragile existence on our cradle planet, our ultimate survival will depend on our success beyond one world.
To achieve this necessary step our ability to work together, our beliefs and attitudes towards each other must focus on the real, truthful and positive aspects as if we are all one close family, working together, for our own individual benefit and those of the whole family.
The system represented here should be the combination and integration of the best systems that we are capable of at any time, to always look towards improving efficiency and possibility.
A new form of government that allows that allows every individual equality in power will finally remove the suffering of those at the opposition or subservient to any tyrant, nation or corporation. It will allow the complete collaboration of global challenges in economical, climatic or ethical problems in tackling, removing or easing their effects. Global or universal projects will be possible that will enable all one day to travel freely, communicate with others effortlessly (hopefully with other life in the future), access all information and knowledge and offer the care and support to those in need effectively, quickly and absolutely. The conflict of effort that is inherent in separate government or corporation can be removed allowing for an acceleration in economics, production, learning, technology and social efforts, new possibilities and opportunities will increase as each individual will be able to focus or change their participation as it suits them. All individuals will have equal opportunity to work whenever they wish on the global framework that could be possible in this system. The complete freedom of change in location, learning and skill will enable more freedom in the diverse cultures to work together and understand each other. National, regional, geographical and tribal barriers will disappear as the collaboration grows but virtual groups of ideas and discussion will enable more consideration of diverse thought and debate.
With the possibility of open, transparent and global collaboration comes the opportunity of removing the waste of corporate competition. The most effective and efficient method of production or service delivery will enable global and single methods to be utilised, considered, researched or discussed in open collaboration - ending the need for any individual or group owned corporation. All the diversity of products and services could be handled from within the system under the directorship of each and every participating individual.
Is it possible to simply begin creation of this system by first focusing on all those ideas, definitions, principals and requirements that are agreed upon by all individuals participating in developing the system? Finding first the basics upon which all agree? Then working upon the possible methods by which change and development can take place.
How? - It will develop if more participate
When? - Now
Where? - Anywhere, but somewhere visible - Maybe I am not the one to determine this?
Why? - This burns deeply within me. I want to scream out
- but for the sake of perceived sanity I will just write it here...
Friday, 23 January 2009
The End of The Corporation
Pushing the boundaries here it appears we are leading towards a time when the individual may work for a corporation as and when they wish to, on what they are capable of doing when a requirement appears. Imagine, everyone becoming freelancers of a sort, picking and choosing what jobs they will do as and when they require, or more ideally when they want to. The corporation becomes more and more just a shell of processes and stored knowledge to fulfil its purpose. Imagine the opportunity to the individual in learning and developing many skills as they please, instead of being tied to a grinding wheel fixed by the corporation. How the individual would find the work would be through some form of agency that allows all of these functions to be marketed to anyone that requires them. Today we have service auctions that allow service providers the opportunity to bid and work for other individuals or companies and I can see this idea evolving further to allow “everyone” to work on “anything” that is “available”. These have so far taken advantage of cheap labour markets; however, those markets would not remain cheap for long and if the agency is taken to evolved global form would level out all individuals with the same opportunities and benefits.
Now the corporation can be seen as just a method for achieving its purpose – ultimately to benefit its share holders. What if the corporate system existed within a universal framework that has everyone as the shareholder?
One of the biggest problems with a corporation is ultimately in its efficiency. It cannot nowadays exist as a monopoly and must therefore compete with other companies to target a market. It can never be efficient, precious effort and resources will always be wasted in its effort to compete with its rivals. If everyone is equally its shareholder then all that is left is its methods for achieving a purpose and only one set of method is required to fulfil one purpose. The corporation will not be needed. If this set of methods is developed openly and transparently then any part of it can be scrutinised for efficiency and changed, they can be used and reused efficiently to fulfil many different purposes. Different versions can be created and tested out to constantly improve them and the best of any previously learned corporate methods can made to benefit everyone.
There will be no more need for corporate secrets, no more restrictions on the freedoms of employees, all of the system will be available for anyone to challenge and the sharing of skills and creativity will improve its efficiency.
We have a final form of corporation, global, universal, where everyone is equally the director, the employee and the customer. The rate at which progress could be made could be phenomenal, no more wasted or conflicting efforts, no more misinformation or misdirection that advertising a brand would require. The days of the corporation may well be seen as the time when the rich had power over the poor and exploited them for their own financial gain. Now we exploit each other equally to fulfill our needs for products and services with the benefit of tackling any global issues and requirements effectively.
For the individuals that this final form serves, they have the means to be psychologically self-determined, never working each others’ failure because this would have a negative impact upon them directly. They will have the ability to collaborate and create ideal products and services, from society wide inventiveness, fit for purpose, fully supported and using the most ideal resources. The customer would be fully served; no more false claims or promises.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Al Gore Shivering - In Ice
Obama's Challenge
I was tempted to write my own version of Martin Luther Kings speech "I Have A Dream" - but one, I don't think I could follow up a powerful speech such as this, and two, I think I had better find some interest in the idea first.
The W3C and the Beyond One World Process
The solution I have chosen is as far as I am aware the best candidate to start from - the World Wide Web Consortium Process, the latest version being used is 14th October 2005 . This process is the biggest driver of open source and technology on the Internet and is constantly used and under review and change to meet its objectives. Now it is probably quite a bit removed from the intended use here but I will give it a go and see what comes out of it. What is intended is a process by which agreement and action for global issues and government is possible where every person can take ownership, take part and globally change for themselves in a way that is absolutely fair and efficient - quite a big undertaking... However, if a first attempt is made to create a process by which it can create and evolve itself then as more knowledgeable individuals join in it can be improved to fulfil its purpose.
To start work on this I am happy to put the current document in a Wiki and hack the process where I can see possible matches. Or indeed leave questions for myself or others later to answer where I find any areas of difficulty. The wiki can act as a simple form of version control too, where changes can be explained, noted and date stamped and the full history of it can be followed. In the future I am keen to use the best of breed configuration management techniques to make sure that its evolution is controlled, quickly made and robust.
I have a choice at the moment of where to start this work and I think I need to wait a week before considering where it should go. The building of the idea behind Beyond One World was initiated by the Google Project 10^100 and it seemed appropriate to use Google Apps to get the ball rolling. However, using this is a learning curve for me and I am not sure what support there is where any unusual is attempted. If I were to do this on my own platform then I would be certainly happy to run open source applications on my favourite hosts at Dreamhost, knowing that if there were any problems or unusual programming needed then I could just dive in and do it. The Google Apps however in theory should be far more scalable with a decent level of support. I must make sure I know that this support will be there though. I am not at all confident that this idea will make it to the voting next week on January 27th and if it doesn't, I will be on my own for probably quite a while longer working on the site. In that case I prefer complete control on fixing any problems and will pull the site back to Dreamhost.
Well let's see what happens - they actually had over 100,000 submissions and voting will only be for 100 hence my realism - flatly a 1:1000 chance.
It would certainly get exciting if it were in though...
Saturday, 3 January 2009
This is your world - What are you going to do with it?
You have unwittingly stumbled onto a page that gives you great responsibility.
As you know this is a beautiful world full of great and good people everywhere - but for some reason or another at this moment in time has so many overwhelming problems.
So we have all decided that whoever stumbles onto this page MUST take charge.
You are now in charge of the world!!!
For as long as you are here you have complete control to change anything in the world and take full responsibility for it. Please be careful with what choices you make as this obviously has an impact on every soul resident upon it.
There are no rules as to what you can change and how you do it.
But please remember every action you take - or non-action if you are undecisive - will impact the world from this moment forward.
We would all ask however that you make your decisions according to the very best ideals that you can attain to. That your decisions are positive and at the very least will help those less fortunate than yourself. Hose for example who have no power to be able to do what you are doing now.
What are the highest and most positive ideals you can use by which to make your decisions? What issues are important to you?
Please be aware - All of our lives and our futures are in your hands.
These are the most important decisions you can ever make.
Please do not be hasty and rush into decisions we will all regret, but also please do not sit back and do nothing as there are problems in the world that are growing exponentially and something needs to be done quickly. Sitting back and doing nothing has already been tried and tests have shown that this indeed does not return positive results.
Also most importantly, please do not relinquish this opportunity to make the world a better place. If you abandon this post then who can we rely on? Who can we turn to?
To help you focus your priorities in these crucial moments we have put together some information on the problems affecting the world today. These can be found at The Problems Of The World Today Centre. Please understand that this information is very sketchy as we have not had time in our schedules to bother much with it - but promise that we will be developing it in the near future to aid you better.
Please place all your decisions as soon as they are made in our Beyond One World discussion group in the topic entitled If I ruled the world I would .... Others who have a stake in the running of the world will then act out your desires and respond to them.
If you have questions about your new role and responsibilities - and I am sure you will then please post them in the Beyond One World discussion group and someone will get back to you as soon as they can.
Good luck with you new assignment.
If the responsibility is too much for you and you need to pass it on to others as possible then please feel free to contact them to let them know of the vacant position we have. It needs to be filled - for all our sakes.
If you rise to the challenge then good luck in your role - The power is all yours.
In fact - It always has been...